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Zero-party Data Will Be Crucial to Email Marketing in 2024

email marketing

Zero-party data refers to the information that a prospect “willingly and proactively” shares with you. And this is going to be a big thing in email marketing this year.

More brands are shifting to zero-party data because marketers fear that the end of third-party cookies might hinder their ability to offer targeted, personalized experiences to customers. 

Besides, first-party data is not as reliable as zero-party data. The former signals certain things about a prospect, but certainly not everything. With zero-party data, you are sure what the prospect wants because they’ve just told you!

It’s not surprising then why zero-party data is one among the emerging email marketing trends in 24. But how can you leverage it in email? Keep reading!

Source:24 Email Marketing Trends – Email Uplers

Featured image marketing by Robert Plociennik/Shutterstock

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