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Boost Your B2B Marketing

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Citing MarketingProfs’ and Content Marketing Institute’s 13th Annual Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report, StrataBeat reports that “71% of content marketers surveyed said content marketing became more important to their organization over the last year,” but less than one-third rated their content marketing as “very or extremely successful.” If you’re a B2B marketer and feel the same way about your content marketing program, Stratabeat shares nine B2B content marketing trends.

I’m going to focus on two of their tips I found particularly interesting.

  1. B2B social engagement. A piece of content shared by an employee instead of the company itself gets a higher click-through rate (twice as high). This seems like an easy opportunity to take advantage of—assign some staff members to become the content experts in their field. Consistency counts here. You want them to be visible and fairly prolific, so they can build a following that trusts their insight. And since you’re a B2B company, LinkedIn is the perfect vehicle to launch on.
  2. Be more helpful. Google wants companies to create more “helpful content” and updated its helpful content system that places a “greater focus on content with unique expertise and experience. We’ll roll out an update to this system that more deeply understands content created from a personal or expert point of view, allowing us to rank more of this useful information on Search.”

Stratabeat reports Google “also enhanced its E-E-A-T guidelines (adding “Experience” to Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness),” which it says “is likely to deter the production of content that’s merely stitched together from existing sources without adding fresh perspectives or value.”

They advise, “Add insights [to your content] from subject matter experts and key opinion leaders, use original research, and rely on your own firsthand experiences.”

Read the article to see all the tips—they’re really valuable.

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