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6 Spam Words to Avoid in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

6 Mins read

Spam folders ignite fear in marketers as 45% of the emails end up there. The goal is to avoid spam trigger words and ensure sufficient inbox delivery. Effective email marketing conveys credibility and authenticity toward recipients and spam filters.

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Top #6 Spam Keywords To Avoid In Email Marketing:

Below are the six spam trigger words to keep a distance from, for optimal performance of marketing campaigns.

1. Multi-level Marketing

  • Multi-level marketing necessitates hiring salespeople to encourage and sell products, who will become responsible for recruiting others to reciprocate the same action.
  • Most often, multi-level marketing is considered unethical and illegal as it is linked to pyramid schemes.
  • Businesses staying away from practices that evoke the notion of pyramid schemes is best for business success.
  • Additional looking up for multi-level marketing on the internet brings up suspicious results, confirming the controversial reputation that revolves around the matter.
  • Due to this dubious nature of the term, it is one of the highlighted spam words to avoid in email campaign.
  • Lastly, it is essential to remember that multi-channel marketing is a compelling and legitimate strategy; one should not confuse it with multi-level marketing.

2. Increase Sales

  • This keyword may come as a surprise, but frequent use of a few specific critical phrases in B2B marketing becomes predictable.
  • It has even become common to communicate emails using phrases such as “increase sales” to reach out to many prospective clients.
  • Unfortunately, the overuse of these words eventually makes them ineffective as they commence the spam trigger.
  • As context is the key, usage of this phrases may not be completely unavoidable, but must be used effectively.
  • Marketers not using these phrases in their subject line helps them evade spam filters.
  • The approach of drafting should not appear spammy while reading.
  • Learn and implement alternative techniques to enhance organizations’ sales instead of relying on the keyword phrases.

3. Online Biz Opportunity

  • It is unprofessional for B2B emails to contain shortened words; even if you want to do it to make it personal and convenient, there are better approaches.
  • For experienced cybercitizens, phrases like “Online Biz Opportunity” are considered spam triggers.
  • Millennials are moving on to decision-making positions and won’t consider it competent; they are usually savvy to these tactics.
  • Sketchy advertisements carry words like this, but experienced professionals never fall for such words.
  • Marketers and businesses should always strive towards clear, straightforward language while running email campaigns.

4. While You Sleep

  • Businesses should stop using these dream-like statements as they are too good to be true. It is misleading, and renowned prospects are aware of its implications.
  • Moreover, marketing almost always takes more than one day to finalize, making such statements irrelevant.
  • Depending on the product and services, the lead conversion process takes time.
  • Avoid this hyperbole, as overselling damages the business’ reputation.
  • Businesses become credible by setting realistic goals and expectations, so magnifying business benefits is not beneficial.

5. Free Consultation

  • As hardly anything is “free” today, and if there is any catch to your “free” advertisement, your business reflects a lack of transparency.
  • It can be considered a false advertisement if, consequentially misleading, and it affects the trust and reliability your business has built.
  • Clear and honest communication is one of the critical parameters for business success, so do not add false claims in your subject lines or emails to diminish the chances of getting flagged.

6. Call Now

  • It has been used for a long time as a marketing gimmick for people, and such urgency is often linked with dubious products, even though it may sound innocent.
  • An actionable content strategy is beneficial for email marketing campaigns. However, overusing the word “Call Now” may not help the email reach the recipient’s inbox.
  • In addition, modern prospects consider communicating through non-voice channels as their primary contact mode. Therefore, pushing the clients to call can be considered a tip-off.
  • Organizations should be aware of such phrases as they can increase suspicion amongst the targeted audience, significantly damaging brand reputation.

What to Avoid To Stop the Initiation of Spam Triggers

There are a few things that can also be taken care of to avoid spam triggers, other than just certain words and phrases. Let’s look at them now.

  • Stay away from all-caps
  • No need to incorporate special characters
  • Steer clear of extra punctuation
  • Abstain from strange font style
  • Keep away from links/attachments in the body copy and email subject line.

The spam detection software can quickly discover all of these elements, and it will diminish the chances of reaching the intended recipient’s inbox. That’s why focusing on concise and clear messaging will be a bridge to building rapport with your readers before sharing additional content.

The task at hand may seem complicated, but it can be simplified by asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Does the subject line give away any sense of urgency?
  2. Are any exaggerations or false claims made throughout the emails?
  3. Are you considering implying potential earnings or mentioning money? As mentioned, it is a considerable spam trigger.
  4. Are you using slang or jargon? If not, stop doing it, as you are not sharing email with acquaintances.
  5. Including confusing or complex terminology? You are increasing the likelihood of spam filtering.
  6. Do you point out that your email is not spam? End the practice as it mostly backfires.

By looking into these aspects, marketers can form fair ideas about what kind of spam words to avoid in email campaign to ensure it taps the right inboxes and resonates with the reader.

How to Incorporate Trigger Words In Case You Must Use Them?

Here is the secret to avoiding being labelled as a spammer: using spam trigger words wisely.

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Watch Over Context and Frequency

  • Luckily, over the years, spam filters have improved through machine learning and AI, enabling more nuanced filtering.
  • As there is always a possibility that spam words can initiate trigger warnings, they must be merged in a natural way to avoid flagging.
  • Use the keywords frugally to avoid attracting the attention of spam filters.

Work on a Subject Line that is Witty and Surprising

  • Poorly crafted subject lines can get an email flagged, as half of the email recipients open emails solely based on the subject line.
  • To ensure the recipients click to open your emails, play into prospects’ curiosity, curate words, and try to incorporate humor.

Email with Personalization

  • Prioritizing personalization increases the chances of emails reaching the appropriate inboxes.
  • Use friendly language throughout the email and mention their first name in the email.
  • Avoid using a generic call-to-action button. Use a call-to-action button that’s personalized and aligned with your business niche.
  • It will build a personal connection with the reader, increasing the possibility of a higher click-through rate.

Clean Format Aligned With the User Requirement

  • Optimize emails for mobile format as 62% ignore or delete an email that does not work on their mobile.
  • Keep the format simple and relatable to reduce the chances of being flagged.

Implement a comprehensive Approach

  • If there is a need to input spam words in the subject line, do it in a classic way.
  • Learn about the non-intuitive factors that affect the email deliverability rate.
  • Marketers must use AI-powered automation tools and human expertise to deliver personalized solutions to achieve a higher deliverability rate.

Statistics Pointing Out Why Email Marketing Is Important

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  1. Increased ROI:Email marketing is a cost-effective strategy that generates considerable ROI for B2B businesses. For every $1 spent on email marketing, companies can earn a return of $42.
  2. Favoured communication channel: 73% of millennials consider email a perfect platform. Their preferences shape B2B communication as they slowly move into decision-making roles.
  3. Increased prospect retention and acquisition: 81% of small and medium-sized businesses depend upon emails for prospect acquisition, and 80% use them to retain prospects. Showcasing that attracts prospects and eventually maintaining a relationship with them is crucial.
  4. Mobile accessibility:Mobile devices are indispensable, as 35% of professionals check email on mobile devices.
  5. Customizing emails to make it Personalized: Personalized email campaigns improve the conversion rate by 10% and the click-through rate by 14%.
  6. Promising market valuation:For 2022, the global email market was valued at USD 9204.43 million. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 44%, attaining a valuation of USD 26723.71 million by 2028.

All of it together points out that email marketing is here to stay and is quite a flourishing form of marketing. As the market is expanding, the revenue generated is tremendous, and marketers should work on refining their email marketing skills to grow a successful business.


We trust you on the fact that you are aware of the spam words to avoid in email campaign. But, to ensure that your email’s deliverability rate is not affected, it is crucial to ensure that email campaigns do not make exaggerated claims or use terms such as “call now” or “while you sleep”. Additionally, marketers should always stay away from technical terms and jargon. The only thing that marketers have to follow diligently is transparent and straightforward language. This ensures that the business will experience success in its email campaigns without being filtered out by spam filters.

Kristin Mortis is a Marketing Manager with 10+ years of experience at TDInsights based out of Plano, Texas. She helps businesses deliver the strongest marketing turnaround with cutting-edge digital strategies and tools. She writes about B2B Marketing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and other technological innovations. Connect with Kristin on Twitter to learn about the emerging practices being implemented in the B2B segment.

Spam stock image by Tapati Rinchumrus/Shutterstock

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