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“I Quit!” HR Trends During the Great Resignation

1 Mins read

As if small business owners didn’t have enough to worry about, operating a business amidst the Great Resignation creates even more challenges forcing small business owners to deal with HR issues. Zoho People has identified five crucial HR trends for 2022 that all small business owners should know.

1—The Great Resignation: Since employees are still quitting their jobs at a record pace, if you want to hold on to your crucial team members, you need to introduce people-centric policies and prioritize their concerns and interests.

2—HR Automation: Automating your HR operations will help you better deal with remote employees or operate a hybrid work environment.

3—People Analytics: Operating remotely makes it harder for you to understand how your employees perceive your business, management, and their responsibilities. You need a tool that helps you better understand why employees behave the way they do by analyzing their performance and satisfaction data.

4—Upskilling employees: Facing the challenges of today’s marketplace means making sure your team has the right skills. Conduct skill gap analyses regularly to create meaningful training programs.

5—Employee well-being: Understand that your employees, like many people on the planet, are struggling with both their professional and personal lives. It’s your job to help strengthen their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Zoho People says “compassionate leadership” is what’s needed to balance employee productivity and happiness.

Read more detailed information about these HR trends.


Great Resignation stock image by Ariya J /Shutterstock

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