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How to Stay Ahead of the Game with the Latest SEO Trends?

3 Mins read

Having a strong online presence on the web is the most important thing that you can do for your business. Alongside this, you should also be aware of the latest SEO trends to beat your competition.

According to SEO Toronto experts, following the latest SEO trends is more important and can yield greater and faster results. In this article, you will get to know the ten tips regarding SEO that you must follow to stay ahead of your competitors. So, let’s begin!

Here’s how you can stay ahead of the game by following the latest SEO trends:

Keywords still rule the SEO world

Keywords have been one of the most important parts of SEO practices for years now. But they still rule the SEO world even with all the changes and updates that have happened over such a long time. 

However, the way in which keywords are incorporated into your website has evolved. Nowadays, you should try to add keywords to your content in the most natural and contextual way instead of stuffing them. Along with this, you must add long-tail keywords in your web content to reach your target audience effectively. 

Focus on helpful, authoritative, and trustable content

Search engines have become a lot smarter than they were a few years ago! Now, these search engines focus on providing great-quality content to the users that is highly valuable as well. If you want to rank your blog posts and website on the top of the search engine results pages(SERP), then you must optimize your old content. 

Moreover, try to write helpful, authoritative, and trustworthy content on your website by following the EEAT format of writing. 

Optimize your website for mobile

Most people prefer mobile phones to open websites as compared to other devices. So, mobile optimization is a must for your website to not be left behind! 

You need to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly and the website is uniform on every type of screen. The biggest search engine, Google, also does mobile-first indexing. So, optimize your website for mobile as soon as you can. 

Do voice search optimization

With virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa becoming so popular, the trend of voice search has seen unprecedented growth. Due to this, optimizing your website for voice search is non-negotiable. To optimize your website, you should write the content in a completely natural language. 

Alongside this, you should create FAQ sections on your web pages to answer the commonly asked questions. Doing these will ensure that your website is voice-search optimized, increasing the chances of your web results being featured in the voice results. 

Target for featured snippets

Featured snippets are the answers given to you by the search engines when you search for something. To get your content shown in the featured snippets, you need to structure the content by using schema markup. 

Furthermore, you should also provide short, crisp, helpful, and clear answers to common questions asked by your target audience. It will surely increase your website’s chances for featured snippets. 

Do video SEO!

The video content is finding a lot of prominence as compared to the textual content. Even the search engines are focusing on the video results a lot nowadays! To get amazing results for the same, you need to create highly engaging video content. 

Moreover, you need to optimize these videos by providing in-depth descriptions, tags, and even transcripts. This will help your videos get discovered much more easily in the search results. 

Optimize your website’s loading speed

If your website can’t load within milliseconds, then there’s a chance that you might lose substantial traffic. In fact, a slow-loading website can even hurt your SEO rankings. 

So, you must optimize your website’s opening speed. You can fasten your website’s page speed by doing the following:-

  • Compress images
  • Optimize the code
  • Use browser caching

Make your website secure with HTTPS

Almost all the search engines focus a lot on the security of their users. You can secure your website by using HTTPS. It will not only protect your visitors but will boost your SEO ranking. 

Improve user experience(UX)

Search engines rank websites by judging them on their user experience. So, you should definitely improve your website’s UX. To do so, you should ensure your website is:- 

  • Navigational
  • Opens quickly!
  • Provides a great experience for your visitors. 

Don’t neglect local SEO

If your business targets local customers, then local SEO is crucial for your business. For it, you can do the following:-

  • Optimize your Google MY Business listing.
  • Use location-specific keywords.
  • Ask customers to give reviews to enhance your local search presence. 

Final Words

The world of SEO is changing at a fast pace. To keep up with it, you need to stay updated and follow the latest SEO trends. Following this article is a great starting point. So, follow the above ten tips about SEO to stay ahead of your competitors. 

Karan Sharma is the co-founder & CEO of Kinex Media Inc. He intends to bring a massive transformation in eCommerce web designing & development. His team of talented IT professionals knows the secret of getting huge conversions. @simantkaran

Keywords stock image by Pla2na/Shutterstock

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